We Believe Everyone
Deserves a Winning Smile

As hard as we try to make our custom dental products available to everyone, we know that some people still cannot afford them. But from time to time we’ve received a story from a client that was so interesting, our staff would organize and find a way to help them.
As artists and designers, the positive energy we get when we’re working on a cause we believe in is not only beneficial to us as individuals but also the company as a whole. It’s an example of why the smiles we create are so important.

Every month our staff gets together to review submissions and tries to pick out people that would benefit from a new smile.

So upload you pictures and tell us your story, and you may be out next success story. We want to hear what makes your case special and how a new smile could change your life.



Submit Yours Today

A Winning Smile Shouldn't
Have To Be "Won"

We don’t want to trivialize the suffering of having a bad smile, so we didn’t want to call this a contest, we didn’t want to call it a free giveaway, or refer to it as a winning a drawing. Those all sounded like gimmicks, and anyone who’s dreaming of a new smile knows that it’s much more personal than that. A smile shouldn’t be something you have to “win”. We don’t select a set number of entrants each month and we dnon’t do the same thing for every candidate. Our staff just wants to help give people beautiful smiles.
**Disclaimer: The only drawback to our Smile Giveaway program is TIME. It often takes 60-90 days for submissions to be decided. Entrants chosen for our Smile Giveaway program will be notified within 90 days of submitting their Smile Story. Entrants who are not chosen will not be notified of their status. No submission will be considered without photographs, story, and all contact information filled in. Also, all paying clients come first int he production queue. But if you’re truly embarrassed by your smile, we want to hear from you. This could be the answer you’ve been searching for. Let us see what we can do to get you a beautiful smile. Because a smile shouldn’t be something you have to “win”.

A Picture Really Is Worth 1,000 Words To Us

I understand that the New Life Smile program is open to the general public, but entrants must be 18 or older to be selected. I understand that for best consideration, it is strongly recommended that I send photos with this submission. I hereby authorize the use of my likeness and/or story for any and all purposes. I agree that New Life Smile or its partners will not be held liable for any loss, damages of injury associated with applying for, accepting, or using their new smile. I agree that New Life Smile retains the right to make any and all decisions as to the nature of the products or services being rendered and/or to cancel any agreement or work being done for any reason whatsoever.

By typing your signature and submitting this form, you agree this constitutes a legal signature of agreement as per the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act("UETA")